Archive usage

Would you like to use the archives or the library?

Would you like to take photographs or film in the Richard Wagner Museum?

Please fill out the appropriate form to make an appointment with us.

Please note: appointments are only valid after written confirmation!

Opening Hours & Address

Monday to Friday
8.30am to 12.30pm
Monday to Thursday
2pm to 4.30pm

Richard Wagner Museum and
National Archives of the Richard Wagner Foundation

Wahnfriedstr. 2
95444 Bayreuth

Feder Tintenfass Notenblatt

Archive Enquiry Form

You would like to use the archives or the library.

Filming Request Form

You would like to make a film inside the museum.

Photography Request Form

You would like to take photographs.

Do you need pictures from the picture archive?

For a selection of motifs and conditions governing their use, please contact the picture archive first.

For a definitive picture order, please use the online form.

Tanja Dobrick

Deputy Head of Department, Graphic and Image Archives, Digitisation Project
+49 921 75728-13

Picture Order Form

Order conveniently using the online form.

Contacts at the National Archives

Who manages which collection?

Conditions of Use

What do I have to consider when using the archive?

Schedule of Fees

Usage of the archives and associated costs.